Saturday, May 30, 2009

First Real Bath

This week was a trying one. Napping has been off in a weird way, night time sleep still hasn't gotten back to those lovely 4.5 hour stretches, and I caught a nice big cold. Thankfully I feel better than I did earlier in the week, although I have a wonderful cough and lots of congestion. I wouldn't care, but I feel bad that every time I cough I seem to startle poor Evie!

The great thing about this week was that Evelyn's cord stump finally came off. I was beginning to think that all the doctors were wrong and this thing would be with her forever. I was even getting jealous of all the other moms out there whose children's cords came off in less than two weeks! It took Evelyn's 6 whole weeks and that was with us using rubbing alcohol to swab it a couple times a day! But, it's gone now and that meant that we could finally give our little one a real bath. So, after trying to keep her awake until 9:30 (which didn't work at all) I gave up and had Chris bust out the folding baby tub. We set it up on the pack-n-play:

We thought about just bathing her in the kitchen, but with it being hot down here and the A/C running the kitchen just happens to be one of the colder rooms in the house. So, to the dining room we went. The folding tub was a source of much debate in the household- whether or not it was a good idea or the thought that maybe we should have gotten the more traditional baby tub. This one worked perfectly, I am happy to report. So, tub was at the ready, supplies were all handy and all we needed was to get the baby ready. Chris grabbed the camera and I slowly dipped Evie into the water:

Now, it could have been that she was so tired before the bath or it could be that she loved it. Evelyn was super calm and seemed to really enjoy the bath. I'm not surprised really; warm water makes me happy too.

Chris had to put down the camera to help me wash the rest of her back and head, but I grabbed it again to capture Evie and Daddy getting cuddled up and dried off:

It didn't take Evie long to fall asleep after that lovely and warm bath. Here's to hoping she stays asleep for more than three hours! Goodnight!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Burping and Urping

I had no intention of going six days in between posting here, but it seems time runs away with you when you have a little baby! We are still trying to get this sleeping thing down and the past week is a battle on and off. I had a great three or four nights where Evelyn was sleeping 4 to 4 and a half hours when I first put her down for the night, but then it all went awry. We're back to 3 hours or less for now. Last night was the first night in a week where Evie went down about 9:45pm and slept until 1:15am (which is better than she had been doing). She went down again around 1:45am and woke up at 4:30am and the went down again at 5:00am and slept until nearly 8! It meant more getting up for me, but more rest in the long run. She also slept great today as far as naps go. Fingers crossed for me tomorrow.

So, over the holiday weekend I had the pleasure of catching a cold. I think yesterday was the worst day- the one where you aren't just thinking: "Gee, I think I'm getting a cold" and instead you KNOW you have a cold. I felt crappy, but Chris was home with me, which was nice. We went out to JC Penny so I could buy underwear (on sale!) and grabbed lunch, kicked around Target for a bit too. We stopped at my mom's because she had asked Chris to put some hooks on her balcony for hanging plants. While he did that I fed Evie and burped her too. We stuck around for a little while longer so MeMe could play and visit with Evie. Just before we were getting ready to leave Evelyn urped a bit on MeMe. We all laughed because it was a bit of a surprise, but I had no idea it would lead to a much bigger urp later on! We got home and Evelyn was awake and after about two hours was seeming like she was hungry again. I made a small 2 ounce bottle just in case she wasn't that hungry. I fed an ounce and burped her and then started to feed her again. She was really fussy so I tried burping her again. That's when the urping revisited us. I knew as soon as I heard it that she had spit up a decent amount. But then there were two more vomity burps and it was all over Evie, me, the couch, and some on the floor! So, Chris took care of the couch and floor while I took Evie upstairs. Poor girl- as soon as I started up the stairs with her she let out the most pitiful little cry! 20 minutes later everyone was clean again and Evelyn was in pjs for the night.

Maybe all that throwing up made her tired or maybe we're getting on a schedule. Either way the sleeping was great today and she was eating really well too! Here are some pictures from the last week or so:

Silly Old Bear...

Chillin' at the Farmer's Market

Looking cuter than cute in her new outfit thanks to Aunt Pam. The onsie says: "I'll always be Daddy's little girl."

Worried little sleeper

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Back in the saddle...

Wow! It doesn't seem possible that Evelyn is getting bigger, but she is! I know it's hard to see it through just pictures (or maybe it's not) but just holding this baby shows me how much she is growing..she's heavy! I handed her over to Chris tonight just because my arms started hurting. Well, and she was fussing up a storm and I figured a new face would be good. ;)

So over the past few days we have been retraining Evie to sleep better. By "we" I really mean me. Chris is helpful, make no mistake, but I am the one that is with her more during the day and all night long. Evie had it good when everyone was holding her all the time and I think she just got used to it. So, her in her mind I think she figured that I would continue to hold her while she slept no matter what time it was. Oh how mistaken she was! We spent the last few days retraining Evie to sleep once I put her down in her crib. It took a few days of her really resisting sleep and being cranky, but last night and today proves to me that I think we're back in the saddle again with good sleeping. I put her to bed at 9:45 last night and she slept straight on until 2:15! I got up, fed her and put her back down at 3:00 and she slept until 5:30am. Fed her again and put her back down and she slept until 8 this morning! She woke up a few times, but I left her in the crib and she went back to sleep each time without me going in to her room. Hooray!

So today we were back to normal with the wake up, cuddle for 30 minutes, eat and then sleep. No real fighting the falling asleep part like she has been doing for the past four days! So, here are a few pictures from yesterday's sleep fight and today's pleasant day:

Evelyn finally gives in to falling asleep:

Evie and Bachman friends:

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The String Bean

When Evelyn was first born I thought how tiny she looked. Then I caught sight of her stretching herself out and I realized for a little 6 lb. baby she was actually kind of long. I started calling her "string bean" because she was so skinny. I still call her that, especially when I have her swaddled because she tends to look like a bean or a pea pod. It happens to be one of the cuter looks she has, if you ask me. So, way back when I registered for things at Babies R Us I saw this great swaddler. I chose it because I thought Chris would think it was funny to be able to swaddle our little one to look like a little bean (much like that first picture of what a fetus looks like around the time most of us find out we're pregnant). My brother's sister-in-law (who is awesome) sent us the swaddler, but because Evie was so tiny we couldn't use it. Instead we just use regular blankets for swaddling. Well, now that Evelyn is nearly 9 lbs. we can finally use the swaddler!

Today started out at 70 degrees, but by later this afternoon it dropped to 60 and was rather chilly. Evelyn was wearing a basic pink onsie and I was trying to get her to take a nap. I figured I'd try out this new swaddler. Not only does it make her look EXACTLY like a little string bean it rocks and kept her nice and cozy. If you have Facebook then you may have already seen this picture. If not, then take a look at our little String Bean; or as Chris quipped: Our little Swing Bean:

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Doctor's Appointment

So today Evie and I got up at 6:30am. I say "we" and really mean that SHE got up and then WOULD NOT go back to sleep. I should have known today was going to be long. By the time I did get her to take a small nap I couldn't really go back to bed because I needed to shower and make sure I had a chance to actually dry my hair. So, napping is what Evie did and getting clean is what I did. We ventured out and met up with Chris for lunch before heading to Evelyn's one month appointment. When we got to the office it turned out that they didn't have our appointment in the computer, which was very puzzling. I had the card and I know I put in the date right. Even though they were fully booked they still saw Evelyn and I was very thankful. I guess they have had issues with their computers and when they originally made our appointment I do remember the woman saying something about making sure the computer took the appointment.

At any rate, we did see a doctor (although not our doctor) and here is the very short report:

As of one month old out little Bee weighs 8 lbs. 14 1/2 oz! She is 21 inches long and for height and weight she is in the 50th percentile. Much like when she was in the womb she continues to be the perfect average of what a baby should be! The doctor said she was perfect and very healthy and was happy with how she's growing up so far. Evelyn also had her Hepatitis shot today (the first one was in the hospital and in the nursery so I wasn't there to witness it). There was the brief second after the needle was plunged followed by the worst 3 seconds of silent scream, then followed by the worst crying I have ever heard from my little daughter! I hated hearing it, but I know that I am in for another few years of this type of thing and I gave her lots of kisses to try and make it up to her. After stopping by to see MeMe (my mom) we eventually made it home.

Here's a great picture from this morning when Evelyn was super active and I pulled out her little floor exercise mat...notice she has a new bestest friend in the whole world watching over her:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One Whole Month

So, as of yesterday (May 12) our little Eviebee is one month old! Hard to believe it's already been four weeks she has been in our lives and the center of the universe. Evelyn's doctor appointment is on Friday and I am dying from the curiosity. I can't wait to see how much she actually grew from that first appointment when she was barely a week old to now.

Today was the last day that family was in town. Bill (Grandpa), Granny (Great Grandma L), and Doris (cousin) have all been in Raleigh since this past Saturday and it's been very nice. The last time we saw Granny was for our wedding and I think Evelyn has enjoyed the attention as much as Granny enjoyed giving it! I'm sure that the next few days Evie will be completely baffled as to why no one is holding her all day long now that her Granny is on her way back to Arkansas. Everyone seemed reluctant to say goodbye tonight knowing that it will be a while until we see each other again, but I know that the "out-of-towners" are ready to sleep in their own beds and get back to their routines. I know I will be a little lonely, but it will be nice to be able to set up a routine with Evelyn again. All her adoring public meant that she got spoiled and forgot what it was like to eat at certain times and nap at particular hours of the day. Wish me luck on re-establishing the days with her!

In other news, next week we will have our first play date. Evelyn will be the only girl and the youngest, but it will be good to leave the house. I have several friends from my school who had babies this year and who are out for the school year to be with their sons. Thankfully they included me in the most recent round of getting together e-mails. So, on Tuesday, Evelyn and I are venturing out to Lindsay's house to hang out for a couple hours with friends. In the mean time I am spending the rest of the week and as much as I can this weekend resting up and taking as many naps as possible since I haven't really had one since the family started arriving. I have a new appreciation for anyone who goes back to work and takes care of a baby full time at this young age! I am tired constantly and I can't imagine having to function and teach a classroom of 5th graders! Thank goodness for maternity leave and vacation days!

Here's today's picture of Evelyn:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A few photos

Nothing much to post today. The whole Lockhart Clan came over for some Mother's Day grilling. My mom came down too and we made it a nice little reunion. The steak was great, the company was nice, and I am now realizing that Evelyn is going to be the most spoiled little one in the world! Not in a bad way, mind you, but she is well loved! So, here are a few pictures of the Lockharts with the newest apple of their eyes:

Evie and Grandpa

Evie and Aunt Patti

Evie and Granny (Great-Grandma)

Happy Mother's Day

It's been a while since I wrote last! Time seems to escape me a little over the past two weeks. On the one hand I look back and think: "Evie and I do the same basic things every day...where did all the time go?" Then again, a little baby is a lot to take care of and the time slips right past and the next thing I know it's time for bed each day! Lots of visitors in the last few weeks- from school and from family. The first week without Chris home went pretty well, but I also had one visitor nearly each day for a couple hours, which was nice. Last Saturday night Sylvia (Grandma) came into town for a few days. We had a great time with her! Monday of last week Grandma, Evie, and I drove in to meet Chris for lunch. Afterward, we followed him to work and he paraded Evelyn around like a true proud papa. There is something about a daddy who is that in love with his little girl that makes me smile. On Tuesday afternoon my brother and sister-in-law came through Raleigh for a few hours before heading to Virginia to pick up my nephew from college. Although the visit was way too short, it was really great to see them and be able to introduce Evelyn to her aunt and uncle. My brother was talking to Evie right away and we snapped some pictures of him holding her. Tuesday night we took Sylvia out for an early Mother's Day dinner and Evelyn continued to prove she is a laid back baby. She slept through the entire dinner!

Wednesday we took Sylvia back to the airport and said our goodbyes. Christmas is the next time she'll be out here and I know it will be unbelievable how much Evie will have grown! The rest of the week I spent trying to catch up on some laundry and rest up for the next round of family. Last night it was Lockhart Family Central over here. Great-Grandma, Uncle Joe, Aunt Janet, Cousin Doris, and Aunt Patti all were in town. Joe and Janet are here until later this afternoon and Patti leaves this afternoon as well. But Great Grandma and Doris are in Raleigh for the week and Bill (Grandpa) arrived late last night and will also be here for a week. Today, for Mother's Day, everyone is coming back over to grill out and hang out with the baby. My mom is coming over too. The weather is supposed to be pleasant (only 80 degrees!) and it should make for a nice day.

It's hard to believe, but Evelyn is one month old today! Looking at the pictures from her first days to now boggles the mind! She already seems like she has gotten so big! Friday is her one month appointment at the doctor and I am sure I will update again then. In the mean time, here are some more recent pictures: